August 24, 2009 search of...the perfect baby quilt pattern

I've said before that I'm a beginner when it comes to sewing.  And I mean it.   I want to get better, but I seem to be lacking the motivation to do it.  So, to give myself a kick in the pants, I told my friend Mindy that I was going to make her a baby quilt for her baby girl.  I even had her pick out fabrics...some lovely Amy Butler prints.

I've never made a quilt.  I've made 1 dress for a niece (years ago) that took just about all my sanity away at the time.  And most recently I've made some eye pillows.  That's a natural progression right?  Eye pillows to quilts?  Regardless, here I am, committed to making a baby quilt or blanket and I don't know what I'm doing.  So maybe you all can help?  I'm looking for some great tutorials, suggestions, patterns, etc.  Preferably a relatively easy pattern!  I've done some internet research already and in the process have found some amazing blogs - you guys are so creative and talented!  I aspire to be like you!  (I'm thinking of asking Allison from Cluck Cluck Sew to be my friend...maybe I could just absorb some of her quilting genius just by knowing her...)

So I've told you all my challenge and have asked for your help!  Send some suggestions my way folks!  And stay tuned to the blog...I will be posting about this little journey along the way, mishaps and all.  It's bound to be good for a few laughs here and there! :-)

Ok, I've told Mindy...I've told my husband...and now, all of you.  The pressure is officially on!  Baby is due in October, so let's see if I can get it done in time!

For the love of fabric,

fabric fan


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